recall math


as most Wisconsinites know, in order to recall Scott Walker we need to collect at least 600,000 signatures in 60 days. In the first 4 days, 105,000 signatures were turned in. No official word about our progress since then, but all over the state, people have been very busy with their petitions and clipboards.

A retired Madison math teacher, Ray,

asked me not to use his last name because—believe it or not— several ordinary signature-collecting citizens have received death threats this week. Ray organized the Recall Walker drive-thru shown in the photos. Our team of eighty volunteers took 2-hour shifts at various roadside locations, working from 8-4 every day for a week. Together we collected 2701signatures—and had a lot of fun in the process.

Here are some highlights:

• The record for cars in the drive-thru at one time is 7 cars plus one cement mixer.

• Scott Walker signed our petition. That is, Scott Walker the real estate agent.

• Santa signed on his way to work at the mall.

• A neighbor offered to bring us hot coffee and volunteered the use of his bathroom.

• We got lots of excited honking, smiling, waving and thumbs up as cars drove by—and a few fingers

Unfortunately, a driver ripped up one of our petitions. We noted his license plate number, and he will be charged with a serious felony. It’s hard to believe this incident and others like it are happening now in Wisconsin. But it’s not surprising since Scott Walker has caused such deep division and has modeled derisiveness.

When people thank me for spending hours outside collecting signatures I answer, “My pleasure”. It’s true. Every signature I collect makes me happy—a total of 188 as of today.