cherie st.cyr


Buy local in this difficult economy. If you like art buy from artists, then they will make more art.

Saturday my friend Lois took me to this Holiday Show at Cherie St.Cyr's home, sort of in our neighborhood.

Cherie St. Cyr is an artist, a massage therapist and a tarot card reader who lives on the near east side of Madison, Wisconsin. Her current art form is textile design and quilt making. Her greatest passion is putting color on fabric. She spends her winters in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico where she occasionally works in a ceramics factory designing tiles and plates.

Cherie's work is amazing and I was quite taken with the hand painted velvet scarves she makes. In fact I am wearing mine as I post. She has such a great sense of color, all her colors were so rich.

If you need a gift you can email her at Her show looked quite successful so you will have to check with her to see what she has left or check out her website