Art as Therapy.

Bricolage: connected knowing. "Admired way of invention and creation practiced by creative people."

My good friend Nancy one day asked me if I wanted to make a postcard a week and we would send them to each other. We both have the same topic but can execute any way we want. I immediately jumped on board.

WEEK #1 Your word from 2016 and your word for 2017

I love Nancy's words (above) from Anxiety to Wild. It is good to think about these words and the change we want to make from 2016 to 2017. I know that Nancy has some Wild in her.

I didn't want my 2016 word to be Trump but it was. I cannot allow it to be my word for 2017 which will be Happy. I know that filling my head with creative projects truly does make me happy. Then there is less room in my head to fret over things I have no control over.

WEEK #2. Random thoughts in my head.

I really like Nancy's. Nice illustration and well thought out thoughts.

Mine are really random thoughts. What runs through my head constantly. I had so many I had to use both sides of the card. I am really liking the way Nancy and I approach the same theme so differently.

This project means I get weekly REAL mail. Always a real treat. More to come.