you can’t divide us…

My downstairs neighbor, who has a Phd in history, has a special interest in the history of protest. He is very impressed with the grassroots nature of Madison’s movement and told me that one indication of an authentic, sustained movement is handmade signs. As a graphic designer myself, I’ve designed several protest signs (you can download a printable pdf at but I’m most impressed by the handmade signs. They are so original and give so much insight into the sign-carrier’s feelings. Above is a photo of my latest sign. It’s based on a comment by our governor, who has tried to divide us, first Public vs. Private Employees, now Madison vs. “The Rest of the State”. Last Saturday, there was a “small” crowd of protesters, nothing organized. In just an hour, all of these fellow Wisconsinites signed my sign and I learned how far they had come to join protests in Madison.


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1 LINDA from EACH LITTLE WORLD April 25, 2011 at 9:02 am

It’s true, the handmade signs have been wonderful and I really like the sentiment of yours. I was also amazed at the huge number and variety of handmade Kloppenburg signs we saw around town. We did a post featuring some of them because it struck such a chord with me to see folks so engaged as to make candidate signs.