sky & lake scarf - august


We have had a hot and sunny Summer. I think I heard this is the hottest on record for Wisconsin. It has actually felt long enough that I will be happy to see Fall. That is an improvement over my usual whinny self who never thinks it is long enough.

That means that my scarf continues to look much the same, just longer... mostly blues, lots of sparkle and a few hazy gray days.

In a recent stash consolidation I ran across these 2 balls of white that will be a nice Winter addition. And the ball of ribbon on the left was part of my mother's stash. A successful project is always one where I can add a little bit of something from her stash. I cannot remember what she ever knit with this. Maybe nothing. I have lots of odds and ends in my stash waiting for the right project. She would be happy to know I was using this.

You can see an explanation of this project and my other monthly posts if you click on the Ravelry link on the right.