I heart fab.com

As most of you know I work from home. We live on an isthmus, the main street to get anywhere has been torn up since April and will be until October. One of the last times I ventured out a dump truck side-swiped the side of the Miata.

If I wasn't a fan of internet shopping before this Summer I certainly am now.

I am also a fan of contemporary well designed items. Fab.com is a deal site for designed goods. It has the kind of things you would find at a museum gift shop but at reduced prices. The site just opened in June. They send an email each day. So I get a little bit of shopping from my desk everyday.

If you like contemporary items at a nice discount check it out. http://fab.com/47dtod With this link you can request membership to the site.

And I just treated myself to this little computer bag for my MacBookAir. Fun.

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